p1440 Elite Training
An invite-only portion of our National & National Select teams.

Description: Founded by Rob Long (Ohio Valley Beach Director) and now partnered with p1440, Next Level training is designed to bring elite beach volleyball players and coaches together for collaborative training and top-notch tournament play. Similar programs like this have existed before, but have been saturated with the talent in California. This program is meant to include ALL of the top beach players at beach clubs in the Eastern US who have aspirations of playing beach volleyball in college. Players must get invited through their club to participate in Next Level training. Players will be exposed to new training techniques and coaching styles; as well as opportunities to play in tournaments with new high level partners and coaches. Sinjin Beach is proud to have players and coaches participating in the p1440 Elite Training Program!
Who is eligible: Capable members of Sinjin Beach will be invited to attend p1440 Elite events with Sinjin Beach. Sinjin Beach coaches must determine that those players are at an appropriate skill level to compete within the p1440 training group so as to keep the events highly productive. It is expected that girls in the p1440 Elite training group are aiming to play beach volleyball in college. All National Select team members will get an invite to attend the p1440 training program with Sinjin Beach. Learn more about our National Select team here.
2019-2020 p1440 Elite Event Schedule
November 29-December 1: Cincinatti, OH
December 27-29: Tavares, FL
February 15-17: Gulf Shores, AL
March 20-22: Pompano Beach, FL
May 1-3: Gulf Shores, AL @ NCAA National Championships
June 9-12: Cincinnati, OH - Training Camp
July 6-8: p1440 East Meets West Tournament
Attending clubs include: Ohio Valley Beach, S3, 692 Beach, Cape Coast, DIGS, Beach 10k, RPM Sand, Southern Sands, NVL, and many others.